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DMX Documentation
(work in progress)

Welcome to the DIGITAL MEMEX documentation.

DIGITAL MEMEX is a software development platform. Focused on making easy application development having as backend DeepaMehta.

To get familiar with the backend, check the user documentation

Also you can check DeepaMehta REST API

Once you are familiar with it, to start up your own application is easy

  1. Create your repository by creating a topic Repository with the name of your appplication and the url of your code
  2. Open the repository manager at http://localhost:17071/dmx and click the button to install your app

Then, you can find your application inside the following folder

cd dmx-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT/deepamehta-files/dmx

If you plan to start from scratch, leave the Repository URI of your topic Repository empty. The install process will just create an empty folder in the same place, and you can just start coding!